All data files (FAM client files) are on the server drives which are shared and mapped to the client machines.
Each workstation (client machine) performs a 'network install' of FAM similar to the way in which a ProSeries install occurs. HGH, we have FAM installed on our server. We have not had a problem with the FAM package since. You might be able to isolate a root cause of same if you're on a network or place the client files on a 'remote' drive. Moral of the story: I suspect the program is disconnecting from the underlying FAM client file while your working in it. A slight tweak to the group policy and drive maps by our IT guy fixed the problem. In short, the person working in the FAM file never knew it was occurring while working in the program. We determined that our group policy and drive maps were disconnecting multiple times a day and reconnecting instantaneously (similar to a IP lease reset on a network).
At the same time, we were experiencing a problem with Windows Explorer (via Windows 10) shutting down randomly multiple times a day (often when you had more than one window open). ProSeries tech support advised us to exclude the client file directory from the virus scanning software, which we did, but that did not resolve the problem. Similarly, we have used the package for over 10 years (on a network) but never had a problem until this past year, and the file always corrupted after someone had worked in it for a period of time.